montezuma's revenge / ˌmɒn təˈzu məz rɪˈvɛndʒ /


montezuma's revenge 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. traveler's diarrhea, especially as experienced by some visitors to Mexico.

montezuma's revenge 近义词

n. 名词 noun

traveler's diarrhea

montezuma's revenge 的近义词 7

更多montezuma's revenge例句

  1. In their past calls for attacks on Western targets, AQAP has focused on putting bombs on planes, not revenge attacks.
  2. Only one other Star Wars film has earned a PG-13 rating, the 2005 prequel Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
  3. “A guy drives up in a 2008 Mercedes, brand new,” Harry S. Connelly Jr. says in the video, according to the Times.
  4. “Personal hotspots can get speeds of up to 60 Mb/s down, whereas hotel Wi-Fi can be as slow as 1.5 Mb/s,” Sesar said.
  5. In our headlong quest for a legally perfect society, we don’t take the time to take stock of what‘s been created so far.
  6. Ajoutez cecy, s'il vous plaist, la grande difficult qu'il y a de tirer d'eux les mots mesmes qu'ils ont.
  7. All immediate danger having now been dispelled, the Spaniards solaced themselves with the sweets of revenge.
  8. Gourges fitted out three vessels and 150 soldiers at his own expense to revenge their death, and repair the honor of his nation.
  9. Neantmoins le vieil Membertou, pere du malade, conceut asss l'affaire, et me promit qu'on s'arresteroit tout ce que j'en dirois.
  10. En effet un soir, sa femme et enfans l'abandonnerent entierement, et s'en allerent cabaner ailleurs, pensant que c'en estoit vuid.